What do you need to know when hiring Vietnamese workers to work in your company in Europe?

What do you need to know when hiring Vietnamese workers to work in your company in Europe?

Hanoi, 22.5.2024

Hiring Vietnamese workers to work in Europe involves several steps and considerations to ensure legality, fairness, and smooth integration. Here’s a general guide:

  1. **Understand Legal Requirements**:

Familiarize yourself with the legal requirements for hiring foreign workers in the European country where you operate. Each country may have its own visa, work permit, and immigration regulations.

  1. **Work Permits and Visas**: 

To hire Vietnamese workers, employers have to apply for their work permits. You may have to provide documents demonstrating that there are no qualified local candidates for the positions being filled and documents showing that you are able to provide enough accommodation for them during the time they work for your company.  For more information, employers should go to the local authorities or come to the local recruitment agency to support these documents.

  1. **Recruitment**: 

To source Vietnamese workers, especially unskilled workers, you have to partner with Vietnamese recruitment agencies or organizations to streamline the process. Vietnamese recruitment company – Vietnam Manpower Group will support you all the recruitment process in Vietnam (sourcing candidates, pre-interview candidates, sending CVS of candidates to you and holding an interview – both online and offline for you). However, to do this, you have to send Vietnam Manpower Group an official Demand letter, which will show the number of workers you want to hire, their benefits and job description. 

(Partners from Europe visit Vietnam Manpower group office)

  1. **Screening and Interviews**: 

Vietnam Manpower group will conduct interviews and screening processes to assess the skills, qualifications, and suitability of Vietnamese candidates for the positions available. You can interview them online via Zoom meeting or offline in the office of Vietnam Manpower Group

(An offline interview of Vietnam Manpower Group)

  1. **Labor Contract**: 

After selecting candidates, you need to do employment contracts with them. Contracts should clearly outline job responsibilities, compensation, benefits, working hours, and other relevant terms and conditions.

  1. **Language and Cultural Considerations**:

Consider language and cultural differences when hiring Vietnamese workers. Vietnam Manpower group has 2 training centers will provide language training or cultural orientation programs that can help facilitate integration and communication within the workplace.

  1. **Logistics and Relocation Support**:

You should provide logistical support for Vietnamese workers relocating to Europe, such as assistance with travel arrangements, accommodation, and settling-in services. This can help alleviate the stress associated with relocating to a new country.


By following these steps and ensuring compliance with legal requirements, you can effectively hire Vietnamese workers to work in Europe while promoting a fair and supportive work environment for all employees.

⚠️If your company still has a need for workers here in 2024, 

Please contact: Vietnam Manpower Group

Tel/whatsapp: (+84) 328 514 088

Email: contact@vietnammanpowergroup.com.vn

Email: contact@vietnammanpowergroup.com.vn

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