In a meeting with the press after the talks, Bulgarian National Assembly Chairman Rossen Dimitrov Jeliazkov emphasized: “In the coming time, the two sides will supplement the legal basis on labor between the two countries, facilitating for Bulgaria to welcome Vietnamese workers.
(Hanoi, 26th of February, 2024)
Immediately after the talks between National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue and Bulgarian National Assembly Chairman Rossen Dimitrov Jeliazkov, at the National Assembly House, the two National Assembly leaders had a meeting with the press of the two countries.
(Bulgaria and Vietnam representatives signing labour export agreement)
In recent years, Bulgaria’s labor shortage has had a major impact on the economy. Faced with this situation, the Bulgarian Government has introduced adjustment policies to increase the efficiency of the country’s labor market.
With the opening of the labor market from third countries, the Bulgarian Government has opened the doors for foreign workers, including Vietnamese workers” said the Office of the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs.
According to the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, in 2018, there were 37 Vietnamese workers licensed to work in Bulgaria. Bulgarian labor employers highly appreciate the quality and skills of Vietnamese labor.
(Workers from Vietnam Manpower Group in the interviews day)
Information from the Department of Overseas Labor Management, in the Bulgarian market alone, Vietnam can supply 50,000 workers in many fields: Construction, textiles, high-tech agriculture, nursing… Therefore, the signing of an agreement between the two countries’ Ministries of Labor opens cooperation on labor, including labor export and vocational training.
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