More than two million workers will be needed in the construction sector in Europe by 2030
What are solutions?
(Hanoi, 20/5/2024)
Eurobarometer survey, carried out in late 2023, provides comprehensive insights on staff shortage. Some 54% of SMEs in the EU identified difficulties in finding employees with the right skills as one of the top three most serious problems for their company.
Construction is one of the mainstays of the European economy. Construction workers, who mainly work in the construction sector, account for around 4 per cent of all employment in the EU. These workers are central to the achievement of the European Green Deal’s ambitions and are occupied in the production and maintenance of Europe’s built environment.
A large number of construction vacancies are looking for workers, however, nowadays, the local Europeans seem to not prefer these jobs. Now, it’s time to source Vietnamese construction workers. Many employers in Europe (Romania, Poland, Bulgaria, Greece and Croatia,…) have been turning their attention to the foreign labourforce. For example, Foreign workers are an important and flexible supply channel of new workers for the Dutch construction industry.
(Vietnamese construction workers in the interview)
In recent years, a large number of employers in Europe have started looking for Vietnamese workers – one of the most preferred workers in Asia. Many company’s owners even visit Vietnam to interview Vietnamese candidates directly. Vietnam Manpower Group is proud to support a lot of European partners in their recruitment process in Vietnam (Sourcing right candidates, holding interviews and applying for Workers’ Visa).
⚠️If your company still has a need for workers here in 2024,
Please contact: Vietnam Manpower Group
Tel/whatsapp: (+84) 328 514 088
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