Recruit Vietnamese workers to work in a Fruit factory in Bulgaria.
Vietnam, 30/05/2024
Factory worker is one of the most labor-shortage positions in Eastern Europe. In 2019, according to Eurofound, 39% of European manufacturing companies reported that their production was limited by labor shortages. Many countries such as Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia and Czech republic are seeking Asian workers especially Vietnamese workers to work for their factory.
(Vietnam Manpower Group’s partner from Bulgaria)
Vietnam Manpower Group is proud of being a partner of a Bulgarian company in international recruitment. The company is lacking warehouse workers for their companies. Those workers will work in the fruit warehouse to arrange and classify fruit for commerce.
Vietnam Manpower group has a huge recruitment team who sourced candidates from all regions of Vietnam. Before sending CVs to the employers, Ms. Hannah Nguyen – Head of Business Development department has interviewed and checked profiles of those candidates once. The suitable candidates will be sent to the official interview with employers. Therefore, the employers just need to join the interview and select the best workers for their factory.
(Part of Vietnam Manpower Group’s recruitment team)
After the interview, the employers need to prepare Work permits and labor contracts for workers. This process would take from 1 to 2 months for Bulgarian employers. Then, when getting work permits, Vietnam Manpower group will support workers to apply for Bulgarian Visa. To get a Visa, workers need to wait around 35 days.
(An interview’s to select factory workers for Bulgarian partner)
If you are looking for a partners to support your international recruitment process in Vietnam, don’t hesitate to contact:
Ms. Hannah Nguyen: +84 328 514 088 (Whatsapp)
It’s our pleasure to cooperate with you!
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