Vietnam, 2nd of April, 2024
“We aim to send 125,000 workers in 2024. Vietnam will also prioritize sending workers to potential markets such as Austria, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Latvia to take safe, relevant jobs that bring high incomes”. Therefore, European employers can cooperate with one of the leading recruitment agencies in Vietnam such as Vietnam Manpower group to recruit Vietnamese workers for Europe’ vacancies.
(Workers from Vietnam Manpower Group in the meat factory workers interview- Europe)
However, international recruitment is not an easy process. European employers should notice some regulations of Vietnam.
According to Clause 12 Article 7 of the Law on Vietnamese Guest Workers 2020, it is prohibited to work abroad or bring Vietnamese workers to work abroad in any of following professions:
👉 If you are looking for Vietnamese workers to work for your companies in Europe,
Please contact #VietnamManpowerGroup for more information!
👉 Tel/whatsapp: (+84) 328 514 088
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