Top 3 jobs Vietnamese workers want to do most in Europe.

Top 3 jobs Vietnamese workers want to do most in Europe.

Hanoi, Vietnam Manpower Group, 6/5/2024

Many employers in Europe (Greece, Poland, Bulgaria, Croatia, Austria, Hungary, Lithuania) are interested in recruiting Vietnamese workers to deal with the labor shortage problem. But not many know which jobs Vietnamese workers would like to do most.

More than 100,000 Vietnamese leave the country for work overseas each year, with another 450,000 residing abroad as temporary workers. Vietnam Manpower Group is proud of supplying thousands of Vietnamese migrant workers in Europe. Vietnam Manpower group has a great experience and expertise enabling a smooth recruitment process for Vietnamese migrant workers. 

Vietnamese workers in European countries mainly do jobs in industrial production, construction, food processing, textiles and agriculture. 

Hereby are: The top 3 jobs are preferred by Vietnamese workers in Europe.

  1. Workers in factory

There are a lot of companies in the industrial regions in Vietnam. Therefore, most Vietnamese workers have worked in production companies and factories. For example, electronics components factories, meat factories, food factories, vegetable factories and so on. That’s why when it comes to working abroad, they would like to work in the similar positions that they have worked before. 

(Vietnamese workers in Chicken Factory)

      2. Farm jobs

Many Vietnamese workers have done farming when they were young or even there are many Vietnamese workers working in farms nowadays. Therefore, farming jobs are one the most wanted jobs Vietnamese workers would like to work in Europe. Moreover, besides doing farm jobs manually, Vietnamese workers now have upgraded their skills. They can drive agricultural machines to support your farm work.

(Vietnamese workers in Austrian Farm)

3. Construction job

Most Vietnamese workers are familiar with construction works due to traditions. In the past, they had to build their own houses and help their cousins to do it. Moreover, during 90s to 2000s, construction jobs were one of the preferred jobs in Vietnam. Vietnamese workers are also flexible as well. Unlike European workers, Vietnamese workers can do various jobs such as: Bricklayers, ceiling workers, painters, steel-fixers and so on. 

(Vietnamese construction workers)

=> If you are looking for Vietnamese workers to work for your companies in Europe, 

Please contact #VietnamManpowerGroup for more information!

Tel/whatsapp: (+84) 328 514 088




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