Vietnam Manpower Group, 3/5/2024
An increasing number of Croatians, especially young people, have moved to Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy or other Western European countries, attracted by better salaries and opportunities. As a result, the labor shortage is a big problem in this country.
The Croatian Bureau of Statistics (CBS) said that 11,874 Asian workers arrived in the country last year. In 2021, this figure stood at 4,358, and in 2017 it was a mere 400.
(Vietnamese workers in an interview with Croatian employers)
These new arrivals, most of them from Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Bangladesh or the Middle East, work mostly in the service industry as waiters, chefs, shop assistants or taxi drivers. However, now they have a big move – Hiring Vietnamese workers instead.
Asian workers, especially those from Vietnam, seem more welcomed by employers in the service sector due to their diligence and comparatively low salaries.
Demand for Nepali workers is strong across several Southeast European nations, However, a concerning pattern has emerged where upon arrival in these countries, many workers opt to leave their original employers and engage in illegal migration to Western Europe, the agency adds. That’s one of the reasons why many Employers want to hire Vietnamese workers to solve this problem.
Nowadays, more and more Vietnamese migrant workers are recruited by European employers: Germany, Bulgaria, Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Litva and so on. The employers work with a recruitment agency in Vietnam (Vietnam Manpower Group) to handle the recruitment formality in Vietnam. Vietnam Manpower Group supports them to 1. Source candidates, 2. Hold an interview, 3. Prepare documents for Visa.
(Vietnamese workers in the interview with hotel employers in Croatia)
Hiring Vietnamese workers not only can help Croatian – European companies to deal with labour shortage but also reduce cost of operation, increase productivity.
=> If you are looking for Vietnamese workers to work for your companies in Europe,
Please contact #VietnamManpowerGroup for more information!
Tel/whatsapp: (+84) 328 514 088
Email: contact@vietnammanpowergroup.com.vn
Website: https://lnkd.in/g7uCZ_ec
Email: contact@vietnammanpowergroup.com.vn
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