Why migrant workers from Vietnam?

Why migrant workers from Vietnam?

Vietnam Manpower Group, 7/5/2024.

 🇻🇳Vietnam is a country with a young population (68.5% of the population is of working age and 23% of the population is under 15 years old). The population pyramid is the exact opposite of that of Europe.

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The young people here are very hardworking, willing to learn and willing to perform. Optimism is the prevailing mood of the people here and they have a high affinity for technology.

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Vietnamese are considered one of the most integrated migrant worker groups in the world and the results speak for themselves. There are 2.2 million Vietnamese people living in America The U.S. government census bureau announced in 2019 that 55% of U.S.-born Vietnamese Americans had college degrees (U.S. average 41%)

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In addition, the average household income (p.a.) of first-generation Vietnamese immigrants in the U.S. in 2019 was $69,800, compared to $82,400 for U.S.-born Vietnamese Americans. For average U.S. households, on the other hand, it’s only $68,700. A good indicator of people’s industriousness.

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Vietnam has signed bilateral agreements with the extremely strict countries of Japan and South Korea to promote immigration. There are currently 520,000 young Vietnamese working in Japan and 200,000 in South Korea.

(Interview Vietnamese workers want to work abroad)

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In Germany for example, similar experiences have been made with 188 thousand Vietnamese migrants. According to experts, they are among the most integrated people with a migrant background. The second generation already speaks perfect German and goes to high school more often than their German peers. Studies show that 47.2 percent of German and 64.4 percent of Vietnamese children make the leap to high school.

(Vietnamese migrant workers in the interview)

🔧Vietnam Manpower Group are currently conducting hundreds of recruitment interviews in the fields of factory, agriculture, construction, hotel and so on. More and more companies are realizing that migrant workers from Vietnam can make a great contribution to securing skilled workers and thus securing the future of companies.


⚠️If your company still has a need for workers here in 2024, 

Please contact: Vietnam Manpower Group


Tel/whatsapp: (+84) 328 514 088

Email: contact@vietnammanpowergroup.com.vn

Website: https://lnkd.in/g7uCZ_ec

Email: contact@vietnammanpowergroup.com.vn

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