Why recruiting non-EU workers (Vietnamese workers) to work in Europe?

Why recruiting non-EU workers (Vietnamese workers)

to work in Europe?

(Hanoi, 11/6/2024)

       Having proven their worth in Europe over the years especially in Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Germany, and Austria. Vietnamese workers are a valuable resource in manufacturing. They seamlessly fill numerous positions in the farming industry, meat industry, textile industry, footwear industry, and other manufacturing sectors, showcasing their dedication and efficiency.

(Vietnamese workers in interviews to work in EUrope)

By cooperating with Vietnam Manpower Group for Vietnamese workers recruitment, you gain access to a pool of talented and hard-working workers ready to contribute to the success of your business. Whether you need specialized professionals or diligent unskilled workers, we are here to cater to your unique workforce requirements. Contact us today to experience the benefits of hiring Vietnamese manpower for your company.

Recruiting staff from Vietnam offers numerous advantages.  Here are some key reasons to consider hiring Vietnamese staff:

👉 Vietnamese workers are open to committing to contracts for at least two years from the start. 

If they are paid well and allowed to work overtime, some Vietnamese workers want to work even 5 years and more. Therefore, if you want to keep them to work with you longer, please arrange works and jobs for them as many as you can.

👉 They are diligent and well-trained, bringing valuable skills and knowledge to their job roles. 

Although Vietnamese workers do not have a certificate, their skills are impressive. They are flexible and eager to learn. So they can take on many roles, not only 1 role as in the contract.

👉  Vietnam’s historical context has instilled in its people a sense of discipline, respect, and loyalty to authority and work.

That’s what European employers often say about Vietnamese workers. They always follow the rules of the company as well as respect their employers, colleagues and supervisors. 

👉  Vietnamese workers are sociable, friendly, and quick to integrate into new environments.

Many Vietnamese workers can adapt to new environment so quickly. They not only can work smoothly with their team but also with the native workers. They even have a lot of extra activities with native workers to exchange culture and increase the understanding between groups.

(Vietnamese workers and native workers having dinner together)

👉  With a significant portion of Vietnam’s economy based on agriculture, Vietnamese workers have a strong understanding of agricultural practices and are well-prepared for related tasks

You can hire Vietnamese seasonal workers to work in Austria. Many Vietnamese workers like this working model because they have time to come back to see their Family yearly.

(Vietnamese workers in Austria)

👉  Vietnam has experienced rapid industrialization and urban development, leading to a skilled workforce in production and construction.

👉  Vietnamese workers are culturally sensitive and respectful, embracing diversity and fostering a harmonious work environment.

In summary, recruiting workers from Vietnam offers businesses the advantage of dedicated and disciplined workers who excel in various industries. Their commitment to long-term contracts, education, and cultural values, along with their easy integration and teamwork skills, make them valuable assets to any organization. Whether in Factory, Welding industry, Agriculture, Production, or Construction, Vietnamese workers showcase tenacity and adaptability, contributing to increased productivity and overall success in the workplace.

If you are looking for a partners to support your international recruitment process in Vietnam, don’t hesitate to contact:

Ms. Hannah Nguyen: +84 328 514 088 (Whatsapp)

Email: contact@vietnammanpowergroup.com.vn

It’s our pleasure to cooperate with you!

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